The Hastings Elementary PAC has granted scholarships to graduating high school students from Templeton and Vancouver Technical, in the amount of $1000 per school.
Nominees must be Hastings Elementary alumni who are going on to post-secondary education and have demonstrated exemplary community service during their time in secondary school. The PAC gives the school administration and staff full discretion to nominate and award the students they feel meet the requirements.
Templeton – x4 $250 scholarship recipients:
Recipient: Jessica C.
Why they were nominated (contribution to Templeton / Community):
– Athletics grade 8-11
– Strong grades
– Active in school with clubs: Chemistry club, Foods club, Women’s robotics club, Yearbook
– Volunteering: Hastings Corn Roast (2017), Kids First, Hastings Spring Fair (2018), Little Mountain Place, BC Children’s Hospital
School they will be attending: UBC
Subject they intent to study: Science
Recipient: Christina D.
Why they were nominated (contribution to Templeton / Community):
– Strong student
– Tons of volunteering: Little Mountain Place, Three Links Centre, Kids First program, student council with mini school, Hastings Spring Fair and Corn Roast (2017)
School they will be attending: University of Toronto
Subject they intent to study: Life Sciences
Recipient: Elizabeth W.
Why they were nominated (contribution to Templeton / Community):
– Academic achievement
– Top scholar grade 8-12
– Volunteerism and school activities: Yearbook, Robotics, student council with mini school, environmental youth alliance, neighbourhood clean ups, Hasting Corn Roast and Spring Festival (2017), Three Links Care Centre
– Athletics grade 8-11
School they will be attending: UBC, SFU, Waterloo or University of Toronto
Subject they intent to study: Computer Science
Irene X.
Why they were nominated (contribution to Templeton / Community):
– Wonderful student
– Volunteered with LEOs Club to do work in the community for the past 5 years. Some events: parent-teacher nights/cancer fundraisers/food drives/Hastings Rec and Reading program leader (July 2019), Hastings Winter Warm up (2018),
– Templeton Athletics – team manager, school clubs
School they will be attending: UBC
Subject they intend to study: Accepted to Sauder School of Business
Van Tech – $1000 scholarship:
Recipient: Dylan K.
Why they were nominated (contribution to Van Tech / Community):
– class leadership
– charisma, encouragement of others
– commitment to French language
– great all around student
School they will be attending: SFU
Subject they intend to study: Kinesiology
Congratulations to all of the recipients!