Walk, Bike or Roll to School!
The Hasting Active Travel (AT) Committee supports and encourages families to be active with the ways they get to school. That can include walking, biking, scooting, rolling or taking transit. Driving some of the way and walking the last 5 minutes (drive to 5) can also add some activity to your school commute, as well as decreasing vehicle congestion around school — even just one day a week can help. Check out this awesome Youtube Video on Why Kids in Metro Vancouver stop walking to school.
There are lots of benefits to actively commuting to school, including:
- kids are more alert and attentive
- kids demonstrate improved school performance
- kids have better understanding of their neighbourhoods
- air quality is improved around schools
- the risk of collision and injury is decreased
- check out more with this infographic!
The AT Committee currently runs:
- Walking School Bus groups
- Bike to School Week
- Sidewalk chalk and other active travel promotions
- Get involved and add your ideas here!
Contact the committee by email with questions, ideas or to get involved.
The Walking School Bus (WSB)
The Walking School Bus is a group of students who travel to (and sometimes from) school each day along a designated route, stopping along the way to pick up more students. Walk Leaders are senior students or sometimes parents. The WSB not only helps parents get their kids safely to school, it also provides leadership opportunities for senior students and for students to form connections between different grades and programs. It also provides a fun way for students to have additional physical activity on a daily basis, and to decrease the level of vehicle congestion around school. In an era of growing awareness around climate change, every participant in the WSB is taking steps forward to the planet we want to have in the future.
As of October 2024, four Walking School Buses are currently running during the 2024-25 school year. Please contact us at info@hastingspac.ca to learn more or get connected to the parent organizer of the various walking school buses.
New families are always welcome to join as participants and/or walk leaders and new routes and groups are welcomed. Several routes are also seeking senior Grade 6 or 7 students as walk leaders. Compensation for student walk leaders available.
Burrard View Walking School Bus
Meets every morning at the corner of Trinity and Slocan at 8:35am and continues up Penticton to school. Grade 7 student led.
Penticton/Georgia Walking School Bus
Current group meets most mornings at Penticton and Georgia St and walks with a student leader to and from school. It’s also possible for other kids/passengers to join in the morning anywhere on Penticton from Grant Street northwards to the school.
Garden Walking School Bus
Meets Mondays, Fridays and some Wednesdays 8:35am Garden at Cambridge St. Walks east on Cambridge then Penticton to school. Parent led to school only, but open to student leaders or adding more days with more walk leaders. Passengers can also join along the route.
Lakewood Walking School Bus
Meets most mornings at Pender and Lakewood st. Parents lead group east on Pender to Penticton, then travel north to school.
Bike to School Week
Bike to School Week is an annual celebration to encourage students of all ages to bike, roll, or walk to school. The event typically occurs in late May or early June. Hastings has had great success in the past tracking participation, and providing bike decorating, prizes, and snacks. If you have something you want to see for this year, please tell us!
Email us for more information or to get involved. The committee welcomes families and community members with time or expertise who want to get involved in the fun!