The Hastings PAC organizes, supports and runs several events during the course of the school year.

Latest Event News
- Calling all Green Thumbs!The Hastings PAC Garden Club wants you! (and your weeding tools, your brooms, your shovels, your secateurs.. you get the idea) We are getting ready … Continue reading Calling all Green Thumbs!
- Family Movie Night is Back – Weds Dec 18Hastings PAC is inviting you to say Hello to the Holidays! Please join us at the school gym on Weds Dec 18 between 5-8 for … Continue reading Family Movie Night is Back – Weds Dec 18
- Upcoming PAC general meetingsWe want to provide lots of opportunities to hear from you — so we’ve gone ahead and set the PAC general meetings for the rest … Continue reading Upcoming PAC general meetings
- Hastings Hot Lunch is Coming!Hastings PAC is excited to announce we are ready to move forward with our new monthly hot lunch fundraiser! It will typically take place on … Continue reading Hastings Hot Lunch is Coming!
- You’re Invited – Fri Oct 11 after schoolImage description: cover of the book Robes of Power, by Doreen Jensen and Polly Sargent. We were honoured to receive a Placemaking grant from the … Continue reading You’re Invited – Fri Oct 11 after school
Annual Events
Hastings Day One (September)
Taking place on the first day of the school year, the goal of this event is to welcome new, as well as returning students back to Hastings, while giving families a chance to reconnect after the summer break.
Speaker Series
PAC brings in various experts to talk on topics that caregivers may find educational, helpful or engaging. Further, it’s an opportunity to bring the school community together in relationship. For the 2020/21 school year, the focus has been on three topics 1) anti-racism; 2) mental health during Covid era; and 3) Internet safety.
Harvest Potluck (October)
This is an annual dinner event that brings together students, parents, and school staff of all grades to share food together and build community. There is food, crafts, music and more, including a choir performance by our own Hastings Choir!
Family Bingo Night (February)
This is a super fun event for adults and kids – everyone loves to call “BINGO”!
Burger and Beverage Night (April)
Enjoy an adults-only night out, while supporting the Hastings PAC! Tickets include a burger, a beverage, and a donation to the PAC! Featuring karaoke and a 50/50 draw!
Spring Fair (May)
The Hastings Spring Fair a highly anticipated event that takes place on school grounds and is one of the PAC’s most important fundraisers. Admission to the fair is free, but tickets sold for concessions, rides, and games.