PAC Meeting Tomorrow! Agenda Here

We will be joined by our Teacher Librarian Erin to recap the Diversity Book Drive, our Principal and Vice Principal, who will give reports on school happenings, and a presentation of an important initiative by the Hastings Anti-racism Committee (HARC)! 

All parents and guardians of Hastings School students are welcome and encouraged to attend. We very much hope you will join us.


The Hastings School Parent Advisory Council is having a general meeting on Tuesday, May 18th from 7-8:30pm, on Zoom.

Please find the meeting agenda HERE (179kb pdf)
Please find the minutes from the April meeting HERE (289kb pdf)

See you there!

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 832 2360 7551
Passcode: 462770

May PAC Meeting

The Hastings School Parent Advisory Council is having a general meeting on Tuesday, May 18th from 7-8:30pm, on Zoom. All parents and guardians of Hastings School students are welcome!

We will be joined by our Teacher Librarian Erin to recap the Diversity Book Drive as well as our Principal and Vice Principal, who will give reports on school happenings and important information pertaining to our children and their education.

Complete agenda will be sent out closer to the date.

We hope to see you there!

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 832 2360 7551
Passcode: 462770

DPAC Meeting

The District Parent Advisory Council (DPAC) will be hosting a presentation on Thursday, May 27th at 7pm for Asian Heritage Month. Challenging Racist BC — 150 Years and Counting

Join the DPAC for Elimin8Hate’s presentation at DPAC May General:

Community advocates will be speaking against the rise of anti-Asian racism in Vancouver, Canada and globally. This session will provide an overview of the work many groups are doing to address anti-Asian, anti-Indigenous and anti-Black racism. Several of the “Challenging Racist BC” authors — — will discuss and answer questions about their work, and a BCTF Anti-Oppression Educators Collective member will talk about how using enhanced digital edition of the book can be an effective teaching tool. Finally, the concept of the model minority will be explored in the context of how it can harm students.

Body Science Parent Information Session–FREE, Registration Required

Each year, students in all elementary grades throughout BC receive instruction in sexual health education. Some schools bring in experts in the field to compliment and reinforce the content that is being delivered by teachers.

We are excited to inform you that this year Hastings PAC has organized for Saleema Noon Sexual Health Educators to be presenting to students through class-based online workshops as well as a LIVE evening Zoom presentation for parents by Sarah Maitland! In this session, Sarah will give an overview of student presentations and, using humor and straight talk in an open, interactive environment, will show parents how easy it is to convey healthy, meaningful messages about sex and growing up to children.
Please join us on Monday, June 7th via Zoom 6:30pm-8pm for Body Science Parent Information session.
Tickets are FREE but pre-registration is required through Eventbrite.

TODAY IS THE LAST DAY of the Hastings Elementary Library Diversity Book Drive!!!

Ways to donate:
    1.    Visit Iron Dog Books at 2671 E Hastings St and purchase one of the librarian pre-selected books OR contribute to the in-store Hastings Book Drive account (no donation is too small!).
    2.    Contribute using the School Cash Online donation form (select Hastings PAC as the fund destination and note that it is for the book drive in the message section).
And keep those book suggestions coming, by using this form!
A huge THANK YOU to everyone that has participated and supported this meaningful and important initiative for our school!

And please join us for the next general PAC meeting where our Teacher Librarian Erin Rickbeil @crafty_librarian_teaches will give us the scoop on the challenges and successes of the Book Drive as well as the process of removing offensive and appropriated content from our library shelves…