Speaker Series Volume 2

Mental Health and Wellness Tools for Children and Families during COVID

This online workshop explores the impact of COVID on the mental health of children & families, and provides tools to support better mental well being.

Date and Time
Thu, February 11, 2021
6:30 PM – 7:30 PM PST
About this Event
We are more connected today, than we have ever been in human history; however, in some ways we have never been lonelier. COVID has exacerbated this separation and has resulted in a mental health crisis, not only in Canada but globally, and this has particular implications for our children.
At this workshop, Ali will explore how our mental health is being impacted during these challenging times, and will introduce various clinical tools to support ourselves and our children. He will also focus on how to best provide a supportive environment for our children.
**This is a donation-based event and everyone is welcome. You may attend for free, or provide a donation that will help cover the costs of the speaker.**
About the Speaker
Over the last twenty years, Ali Afzali has had the privilege of working with and supporting individuals and groups in achieving their social and emotional goals. He have clinical experience in various sectors including child and youth mental health, addictions and foster care, and has extensive training in trauma, depression, anxiety, stress management, and relationship issues. As a father, he understands the struggles that come with parenting and is here to help you come up with positive, creative solutions.
For more information, go to https://afzalicounselling.com/
For planning purposes we appreciate if you can register ahead of time. Simply click below to secure your spot. We hope to see you there!

Speaker Series, Vol. 1 Michelle Wing

Wednesday, January 20, 2021 |7:00 – 8:00 pm | Zoom

We have a parent education speaker focused on anti-racism. On Wednesday, January 20th, from 7:00 – 8:00 pm, join Michelle Wing to discuss what is anti-blackness, decolonization and white fragility. She will also share how racism shows up in schools and how it can be addressed.

Cost: By donation (sliding scale of $0-$20)

Register now!

Anti-Racism Committee Meeting

Monday, January 18, 2021 | 7:00 – 8:15 pm | Zoom

Any Hastings parent or guardian who is interested in supporting the work of anti-racism in the PAC is invited to join.

The PAC is committed to supporting the work of anti-racism at Hastings. At the end of the last school year, the PAC issued a statement of support for standing against racism, and committing to playing a role in creating a safe, inclusive and equitable environment at the school. While some members of the PAC executive have had some initial conversations about how we can work towards this goal, we believe that this is important work that many parents may be interested in being involved in.

To this end, we are hosting a series of Zoom meetings. We are inviting any parents who are interested in sharing and brainstorming ideas about what kind of anti-racism work we can engage with together. We will collectively decide on some actions to move forward with and look at roles we can all play.

You are invited to join us for this important conversation.

Black Shirt Day

Friday, January 15, 2021

The Anti-Racism Coalition Vancouver (ARC) is proposing Black Shirt Day in B.C. schools for January 15th, in support of anti-racism, and to mark the date of Dr Martin Luther King Jr’s birthday.

While Black Shirt Day won’t be an official event this year, ARC is working hard to make it a reality for 2022. This year’s inaugural event will be an important step in raising greater awareness of the civil rights struggle, and help foster solidarity against all forms of racism.

A small action can make a big difference. Join ARC to raise awareness this Friday, January 15th by wearing your black shirt.

Watch the segment from Global News.