Welcome Back Event

Tuesday, September 22, 2020 | 8:45 – 9:45 am

In this new school reality, we recognize that it is more important than ever for our parents and guardians to make and maintain connections. In the spirit of community building, we would like to invite you to a Welcome Event Tuesday, Sept. 22nd.

The PAC will have a table set up near the main entrance of the school, just outside the fence – look for the bright green tent! We will be handing out small welcome gifts for all Kindergarten and new students, and PAC executive members will be on hand to answer any questions you might have.

Please come by and say hello. We hope to see you there!

Walking School Bus

Due to Covid-19 restrictions, this initiative is on hold for 2020-2021.

Hastings PAC is delighted to support our school’s Walking School Bus program, now in its third year. The WSB provides leadership opportunities for senior students and for students to form connections between different grades and programs. It also provides a fun way for students to have additional physical activity on a daily basis, and to decrease the level of vehicle congestion around school. In an era of growing awareness around climate change, every participant in the WSB is taking steps forward to the planet we want to have in the future.

This year’s WSB is running as Team Burrardview, Team Templeton, and Team Victoria Drive. Each morning, WSB groups walk along specific routes, picking up additional students as they get closer to school. If you’re interested in joining a group or want to know about starting up your own, please email WSB planning lead Claudia Gawryluik at claudiagawryluik@gmail.com.

Urban Safari Online Field Trip

Thursday, June 18, 2020 | 11:00 am | Online

Friday, June 19, 2020 | 1:30 pm | Online

Your Hastings PAC celebrated the end of the school year by organizing an online field trip by Urban Safari Rescue Society, an animal rescue society that specializes in rescuing and caring for exotic animals.