What is the purpose of Hastings PAC, and how should that change in the year 2024… and beyond?
For months now, the Hastings PAC Executive — led by Member at Large Mat Brechtel – has been working on updating our Constitution (and bylaws). This has never been updated since its creation in 2006.
As you can imagine, things were a little different more than 20 years ago — times and technology have changed a lot. We want to move with the times and have a bold new vision that fits who we are now as a community.
The proposed new constitution allows for virtual meetings (something many of you have been asking for!), creates a more defined sense of what we want to accomplish as a PAC, and provides a little more structure to how we operate.
The following links provide a full sense of the proposed changes:
Hastings PAC’s Current Constitution
Hastings PAC 2024 Constitution Draft – All Proposed Changes Tracked
Hastings PAC 2024 Constitution Draft – All Proposed Changes Incorporated
Please join us at our next general meeting Weds May 15 at 7 pm in the school library to vote on this very important measure. Please note: under the current constitution, you must attend in-person to vote and there is no option to attend this meeting virtually.