Spring Fair – Thu. June 9, 3-6pm

AVOID THE LINE UPS! – Pre-Sale of Tickets all week!

Make the most of your Spring Fair time by pre-purchasing you Spring Fair tickets; Monday, June 6 – Thursday, June 9 at drop off (8:30-9am) and pickup (3-4pm). Look for Kristen in the Red Fair Ticket hat at the front entrance of the school to make your purchase.
Spring Fair Tickets are $1 per ticket and are used to purchase/participate in games, cake walk, jolly jars, food & refreshment, etc.  *NEW PAYMENT METHODS!* Pay by cash, debit or credit card.
Additionally, we have a Raffle this year with loads of fantastic prizes (176KB pdf). Raffle tickets are on sale for $2 per ticket. Raffle prizes will be available to view at the fair and the winners will be drawn at the end of the Fair on Thursday, June 9.  You do not need to be present at the Spring Fair to win a Raffle prize.
Please note, you MUST be 19+ to purchase and enter the raffle draw. Note there are no refunds on Fair or Raffle tickets.

Spring Fair 2022 -Volunteers Needed!

Thursday, June 9th, 3-6pm

Volunteers make this event possible!

Please sign up here to volunteer with set up or tear down (1hr shift), event support (1hr shift), or baking and donating a cake for the Cake Walk.

After a THREE-YEAR break, the PAC is thrilled to announce the return of our Hastings Spring Fair on Thursday, June 9th, 3-6pm. This highly anticipated event takes place outside on school grounds and is one of the PAC’s most important fundraisers. PAC raised funds go towards many areas of our school, including classroom supplies, speaker series, STEM, and arts programming. There are several attractions and activities planned including bouncy castles, a cake walk, concessions, prize table, and jolly jars!

Speaker Series: Self-Regulation

May 17th – Self-regulation speaker Trent Doiron – part 1

June 1st – Self-regulation speaker Trent Doiron – part 2

June 15th – Self-regulation speaker Trent Doiron – part 3

7:00-8:30pm via ZOOM

Self-regulation is the ability to manage our thoughts, behavior, and energy to achieve the best outcomes possible in the moment. A person’s self-regulation is influenced by external factors such as their environment and interactions with others. Parents can help their children by learning to co-regulate. Often parents are used to having to manage the outcome of a strong reaction from their child after it occurs. Co-regulating enables parents to use proactive planning to impact a favourable environment before a “situation” potentially occurs. It is far easier to manage energy than it is to manage behaviour.

The Hastings PAC is delighted to introduce our next three-part webinar series on Self-Regulation – what it means and how parents and caregivers can learn co-regulation strategies that can help our children and ourselves. Trent Doiron will be presenting this series and is specialized in self-regulation. Trent is a Youth & Family Worker at Tillicum Community Annex and has been supporting kids in schools with their social-emotional growth and school readiness for nearly 30 years. He has provided training to parents and educators in trauma-informed practice, play-skill development, proactive behaviour interventions, and more.

The content and strategies covered in this series are designed to be applicable to children of all ages, youth and adults. The following is an outline of each session with dates to add to your calendar:

Tuesday, May 17th 7:00-8:30pm
Session 1 – Self-regulation – Explaining the Basics

In this session Trent will discuss the basics of self-regulation and what it looks like, as well as explain why and how it is easier to manage energy than it is to manage behaviour. He will talk us through co-regulation and how it works and why it works, and give us some easy tips for helping ourselves and our kids to stay well regulated.

Wednesday, June 1st 7:00-8:30pm
Session 2 – Self-regulation – The Five Domains

Using the model of Canada’s own expert Dr Stuart Shanker, Trent will introduce us to the biological, emotional, cognitive, social and pro-social aspects to self-regulation. He will explain how this model is a powerful method for understanding stress and managing energy flow, and demonstrate how parents and teachers can better understand children’s stress and enhance self-regulation.

Wednesday, June 15st 7:00-8:30pm
Session 3 – Self-regulation – Adding Tools to the Toolbox

This will be a working session in which Trent will interact with participants to problem-solve together. He will provide self regulation examples with practical tips to affect outcomes. Parents and caregivers are encouraged to bring along questions, challenges, or scenarios that Trent can help to problem-solve with applied strategies.

Book your tickets! Tickets can be booked through Eventbrite https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/next-speaker-series-self-regulation-in-children-teens-tickets-328545918687 

Tickets are available for reservation by donation, starting at $1. For planning purposes it helps us to have registrations in advance. We are grateful for any donations to assist us with the cost of the speaker. Please pay what you can afford – thank you!

All registrants are invited to submit any questions or topics that you would like to see included as part of the session. Please email info@hastingspac.ca with your questions.

Volunteers very much needed for School Streets!

Please consider taking ONE shift (45-min only) either morning or afternoon.

This is a friendly reminder that beginning Monday, May 9, 2022, the school will be re-launching the School Streets program for a four-week period to help improve safety and encourage active travel to and from our school. A School Street is a car-free block adjacent to a school open to walking, biking and rolling during school pick-up and drop-off times.

The School Streets program information is as follows:

Monday, May 9, 2022, through to Friday, June 3, 2022, on all school days.

Franklin Street between Penticton Street and Slocan Street (see School Street diagram attached)

8:40 – 9:10am & 2:50 – 3:20pm

Volunteers are very much needed!

Parent volunteers are key to making this program a success. Volunteer shifts are 45 minutes long and involve setting up, monitoring and taking down the School Street barriers to ensure safety on the street. Shifts are available in the morning and afternoon every school day.  Just one shift will make a world a difference if everyone pitches in!  Training materials will be sent to all volunteers.

This year, we’re including a small thank you for those volunteers in the form of a coffee and snack from the Laughing Bean Coffee Co. The sign-up form can be accessed by clicking here.

If you have questions about volunteering, please e-mail Thea Wilson, our School Street Volunteer Coordinator, at Thea.Wilson@mottmac.com

Arts & Crafts Market

Friday, May 13th, 3-5pm & Saturday, May 14th, 11-2pm at Hastings School. Cash only.

The Grade 7 students and teachers will be hosting a fundraiser to support the grade 7 camp and will have a varied selection of handmade arts and crafts available, a thrift table, a bake sale, games stations, and refreshments. Please come out to support the students!