May PAC Meeting

Monday, May 9th, 6:30 – 8:00pm via Zoom

Hear from the principal, vice-principal, and PAC executive on happenings around the school and issues that concern your kids!

May meeting agenda HERE (455KB pdf)
April meeting minutes HERE (327KB pdf)

Join Zoom Meeting

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Speaker Series: Online Safety

The Uncomfortable Topic of Children and Online Pornography: Why You Shouldn’t Wait until High School to Talk About It

Wednesday, April 13th from 7:00 – 8: 30pm via Zoom

The PAC welcomes back Merlyn Horton in our third and final part of this online safety speaker series.

Curiosity about sexuality is a natural and normal part of your child’s development. However, with any reasonable access to the internet, their curiosity can expose them to extreme images and profoundly influence their sexual development. There are online sites available that can offer excellent information to children and youth, but only if we steer them in the right direction and openly talk with them about the effects of online pornography. 

We are delighted to announce that this webinar has been paid for in fully by an anonymous donor, so attendance is FREE for all parents that would like to participate.

Movie Night

Alaskan Nets – Thursday, March 31st at 6pm

Doors will open at 5:30pm. Movie starts at 6pm.

Tickets are FREE! Purchase your free ticket here so that we can keep track of the amount of attendees.

The Hastings Anti-Racism Committee (HARC) will be showing the documentary movie Alaskan Nets in the school gym. The movie comes to us from Tsimshian territory, where director Jeff Harasimowicz tells the story of the community of Metlakatla – the last remaining First Nation reserve in Alaska – and the high school boys basketball team, as they make a run for the state championship. Watch the TRAILER.

Bring a blanket and some movie snacks and let’s have some fun together in person!

So that everyone feels comfortable, we ask that masks are worn

Donations to the PAC’s new bursary fund for Indigenous Hastings graduates are welcomed by cash or cheque at the event.

We can’t wait to see you there!

The next morning, on Friday, April 1st from 8:30am, Hastings’ Indigenous Enhancement Worker, Kristen Quesnelle, will be hosting coffee outside the school doors on Franklin – the SW corner of the building. She’ll be talking about Hastings Elementary’s new All-Nations Room, aka ‘The Nest.’ Everyone is welcome to attend. Look for the bright green Hastings tent!

Anti-Racism 2-Part Speaker Series! February 22nd and March 1st!

The Hastings PAC and the Lord Nelson PAC are proud to co-present this important 2-part online speaker series for parents and caregivers, as a part of our acknowledgement of Black History Month.
Session 1: Foundations in Anti-Racism
Tuesday, February 22, 2022

7:00-8:30 p.m.

What is racism? What isn’t racism? What does it mean to be
anti-racist? Explore the history and realities of race and racism in
Canada and Canadian schools and what it means for all of us who call
this place home. Question and answers to follow.

Session 2: Talking to Kids About Racism
Tuesday, March 1, 2022

7:00-8:30 p.m.

Kids need adults to help guide them through the inequities that exist in
their world. How do you help them understand and what can you do as a
parental figure in their life to make a meaningful difference for racial

Eventbrite link is here and ready for your registration!
Tickets are available for free and by
donation – pay only what you are able. Any funds raised to cover the
cost of the speaker are greatly appreciated.

We hope you will join us!