TODAY is Indigenous Peoples Day!
Check the Hastings School website for more info on the above Coast Salish inspired project plus more beautiful art around the school.
If your child has participated in any projects celebrating Indigenous Heritage Month, please send a photo to – we’d love to feature it on the PAC website!
The Hastings Anti-racism Committee (HARC) is a sub-committee of the Hastings PAC, and would like to share the following message…
Happy National Indigenous Peoples Day!!
Today is a day to recognize and celebrate the cultures and contributions of the first peoples of this land – First Nations, Metis and Inuit people. We hope you find the below links helpful for starting some conversations and planning events with your family!
1. Consider adding your name to the petition calling for all BC educators to receive mandatory training in the Truth & Reconciliation Commission and the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People.
2. The First Peoples’ Map of BC has just launched. It’s a unique platform where Indigenous people can upload their local languages, cultural touchpoint and highlight local artists.
3. Urban Ink is a Vancouver theatre company that uplifts Indigenous and diverse voices through storytelling and performance and they are celebrating their 20th anniversary!
Check out Urban Ink
4. Orene Askew, aka DJ O Show, is a local DJ, a member of the Squamish Nation council and a motivational speaker. Also being black and a member of the LGBTQ2S+ community has given her a unique perspective and now a documentary is being made about her!
Learn More
5. Now that we can travel throughout the province again (hurrah!), maybe the Indigenous Tourism BC website can help plan your trip.
6. Join Autumn Peltier – 16-year-old Chief Water Commissioner from Anishinabek First Nation – in calling for an end to boil water advisories on First Nation reservations.
Tell your kids about this TEEN activist!