Parenting Online and Parental Controls Online
The PAC is delighted to present the first in the line up for our 2021/2022 Speaker Series on Tuesday, October 19th from 7-8.30pm. Back by popular demand from Hastings school administration and parents, Merlyn Horton will provide us with an informative, engaging and useful discussion around the implications and effects of technology on our children. She will also share some tools and suggestions for supporting good online and off-line choices.
Tickets are now available for reservation by donation, starting at $1. For planning purposes it helps us to have registrations in advance. We are grateful for any donations to assist us with the cost of the speaker. Please pay what you can afford – thank you! All registrants are invited to submit any questions or topics that you would like to see included as part of the session. We will do our best to cover as much content as possible.Please email info@hastingspac.ca with your questions.
We hope you will join us on October 19th!