In case you missed the general PAC meeting on Wednesday, June 23rd, the minutes can be found HERE, and minutes from this and all other general PAC meetings can be found at
An important note about cell phone use at school from Vice-Principal Susan Dent is included.
Our Vice Principal Susan would like to remind families that theĀ Lost & Found Trolley is out!
On most mornings as school commences (unless it’s raining), the trolley is wheeled out to the sidewalk in front of the main entrance on Franklin. Parents are welcome to come take a look and hopefully retrieve those lost items!
Susan says the best way to keep your kids stuff out of the lost & found is to LABEL YOUR CHILD’S BELONGINGS. It’s as easy as using a permanent marker in the neck label. While staff make every effort to unite lost items with their owners, they can only do that if the item is labelled.
An alternative to marker, are stickers with your child’s name. If you plan to label your child’s items before the start of September, please consider ordering Mabel’s Label’s and supporting the Hastings PAC’s ongoing fundraiser! 20% of every order goes to the PAC’s operating account, and is used for many important initiatives at our school. With the lack of fundraising events due to COVID this year, such as Spring Fair, Burger & Bevvie, and Bingo Night, small fundraisers like Mabel’s Labels help a lot!
Click above and look for ‘Hastings PAC (Vancouver)’. Thank you in advance for your support!