School Streets Pilot Project Video

To share the success of the Hastings School Streets Pilot Project, the City of Vancouver would like to make a short video of the project in action while highlighting Hastings students’ and parents’ perspectives. The City is looking for a few parents/students to participate in the video which will take place either this Thursday May 6th or Friday May 7th. Participation may include an interview with questions such as:  

  • What has been different about the street in front of the school?
  • Can you describe what it’s been like not having vehicles on one block in front of the school?
  • What do you like about biking, walking or rolling to school or on the school street? How do you feel?
  • What is something you liked about having one block in front of the school closed to cars?

If you are interested in participating, please contact Tracy Wilkins at

School Streets Pilot starts Tomorrow!

The School Street Pilot will be in effect on Franklin Street between Penticton and Slocan from 8:40am-9:10am and 2:40pm-3:10pm, Monday to Friday (on school days), April 12th, 2021 until May 7, 2021 (4 weeks).

All of Franklin Street in front of the school will be car free during pick up and drop off for the next month! We encourage kids and parents to skip, bike, scoot or skate to school and enjoy the use of the street before and after school. There will be prizes throughout the month!

Volunteers Still Needed

To make this pilot possible, more volunteer ‘School Street Coaches’ are still needed! As a School Street Coach you will be responsible for setting up, taking down and monitoring the School Street barriers during drop-off and pick-up (Shift will be approximately 40 minutes total). The School Street Coaches will receive instruction prior to their shifts and there will be a volunteer training session. There will also be prizes for volunteers who commit to the full month (2 shifts weekly).

To sign up for a volunteer shift please click on the following web link (or copy it into your web browser if clicking doesn’t work) to go to the signup sheet: [] []

School Streets Pilot at Hastings Elementary!

Hastings Elementary, in partnership with the City of Vancouver and the Vancouver School Board is piloting a School Street to better understand if it can improve safety, encourage active travel and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

A School Street encourages and enables active travel, by opening a car-free block beside a school to walking, biking, and rolling during pick-up/drop-off. No motor vehicles will be permitted to enter or exit, but vehicles may remain parked while the School Street is in effect.

To make this pilot possible, volunteer ‘School Street Coaches’ are needed! As a School Street Coach you will be responsible for setting up, taking down and monitoring the School Street barriers during drop-off and pick-up. The School Street Coaches will receive instruction prior to their shifts and there will be a volunteer training session. There will also be prizes for volunteers who commit to the full month (2 shifts weekly).

To sign up for a volunteer shift please click on the following web link (or copy it into your web browser if clicking doesn’t work) to go to the signup sheet: [] [] 

Once you have signed up, a volunteer instruction booklet will be provided. A volunteer training session will also be held on April 6th (6:30-7:30pm) by the City of Vancouver and School Volunteer Coordinator

For any questions about the volunteer role, please reach out to the School Street Coach Coordinator:
Thea Wilson,

Thanks in advance for your support!