Speaker Series Volume 1

Parenting Online and Parental Controls Online

The PAC is delighted to present the first in the line up for our 2021/2022 Speaker Series on Tuesday, October 19th from 7-8.30pm. Back by popular demand from Hastings school administration and parents, Merlyn Horton will provide us with an informative, engaging and useful discussion around the implications and effects of technology on our children. She will also share some tools and suggestions for supporting good online and off-line choices. 

Tickets are now available for reservation by donation, starting at $1. For planning purposes it helps us to have registrations in advance. We are grateful for any donations to assist us with the cost of the speaker. Please pay what you can afford – thank you! All registrants are invited to submit any questions or topics that you would like to see included as part of the session. We will do our best to cover as much content as possible.Please email info@hastingspac.ca with your questions.

We hope you will join us on October 19th!

Hastings Anti-racism Committee (HARC) Monday, October 4th – HARC Meeting at 7pm

Join us for the first meeting of the school year. The HARC is a sub-committee of the Hastings PAC. We are committed to playing a role in creating a safe, inclusive and equitable environment at the school. All Hastings parents, guardians, and school staff are welcome to attend every meeting.

We welcome you to share ideas about what kind of anti-racism work we can engage in together for this school year!

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 956 0741 2133
Passcode: 759720
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Meeting ID: 956 0741 2133
Passcode: 759720
Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/a2Lq6Z1e8

Welcome Back Invitation

Please mark your calendar!

We hope the first few days of school have been smooth and you and your families are settling in for the new school year.

To kick things off, the Hastings School Parent Advisory Council (PAC) is having a general meeting on Tuesday, September 28th from 6:30-8pm, on Zoom. All parents and guardians of Hastings School students are welcome!

We will be joined by our Principal, Vital Peeters, as well as our NEW Vice Principal Andrew Coelho. Please join us to welcome Andrew as well as hear about PAC initiatives and upcoming events. 

Zoom link below. Complete agenda will be sent out closer to the date.

We hope to see you there!

Hastings PAC is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: September General PAC Meeting
Time: Sep 28, 2021 06:30 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 948 4170 6152
Passcode: 658051
One tap mobile
+16475580588,,94841706152#,,,,*658051# Canada
+17789072071,,94841706152#,,,,*658051# Canada

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        +1 647 558 0588 Canada
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        +1 587 328 1099 Canada
        +1 647 374 4685 Canada
Meeting ID: 948 4170 6152
Passcode: 658051
Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/ajF8oG7dq

Student Art Fundraiser

A message from the class…

Hello Hastings Community!

Division 18’s Grade 5/6 students would like to invite you to our art fundraiser, ‘Building Black Futures’, at The Laughing Bean!

Our class has been inspired by the important contributions of Black icons and the Black Lives Matter movement, and has organised this fundraiser in the hopes that it can serve as a small but meaningful step in the building of Black futures in Vancouver.

This art exhibit and fundraiser will present art made by students featuring important Black trailblazers and icons. These artworks are not only visual representations, but also educational keepsakes: they include short biographies celebrating the life and accomplishments of these famous figures. It is our hope that by sharing these works with our community we can help spread their stories and contributions more widely.

This art exhibit and fundraiser will take place at The Laughing Bean and will run from Monday, June 21 through Sunday, June 27. The Laughing Bean is open until 4 pm every day. Artworks will be sold on a sliding scale starting at $10. The Laughing Bean accepts cash and debit. 100% of funds raised will be donated to the Hogan’s Alley Society, a non-profit organization committed to promoting and preserving Vancouver’s Black History!

We hope you can visit the exhibit!:)

Division 18 students